Perth Project and 2018 Tahr Hunting Season - Adams Wilderness Area - Updated 2/03/2018

Perth Project and 2018 Tahr Hunting Season - Adams Wilderness Area - Updated 2/03/2018

ZIP, in collaboration with DOC and Predator Free 2050 Ltd, has begun work on a research programme within the Perth Valley (South Westland) to test and refine an approach to completely remove possums from large areas, and prevent them re-establishing.

The 'Q&A' document and map linked below contain further information about how this work may overlap with this season’s tahr hunting experience in the Adams Wilderness Area.

The Department of Conservation is liaising with parties who hold balloted tahr hunting areas for the 2018 season that fall within the research area.

We will update the Q&A document in response to any further questions.

Perth Project and Tahr Hunting Q&A - Updated 2/03/2018

Map of Perth Valley Predator Treatment Area, Huts and Bivvies

Possum, Rat and Stoat Removal Research in South Westland - 26/01/2018

Possum, Rat and Stoat Removal Research in South Westland - 26/01/2018

ZIP is beginning work on a research programme at a 12,000 hectare block within the Perth Valley (South Westland), to test and refine an approach to completely remove possums from large areas, and prevent them from re-establishing. The research programme will also seek to develop this predator management approach for ship rats and stoats.

If successful, the approach will have significant beneficial outcomes for native plants and animals in the valley. It could also negate the need for the repeated use of landscape-scale aerial 1080 to control these predators here and elsewhere in New Zealand, and help pave the way for a predator-free New Zealand.

The approach being developed has three main parts:

  1. Reinforcing natural barriers to the movement of predators into the block (e.g. rivers, alpine tops) with a network of traps.

  2. Completely removing predators within the block. This approach uses a more rigorous method of applying aerial 1080 than standard operations. The operation is scheduled for mid-2018. Approval by DOC and the Medical Officer of Health will be obtained before the 1080 treatment is undertaken. 

  3. Detecting predators that either survive the 1080 treatment or reinvade the block from beyond its boundaries, and removing them before they can establish a population.

Possum browse on rata in the research area, Dec 2017

Possum browse on rata in the research area, Dec 2017

Healthy rata in flower (Photo credit: DOC)

Healthy rata in flower (Photo credit: DOC)

ZIP and DOC staff are liaising with iwi, local people and other users of the valley (particularly hunters) to identify any impacts of the research programme of work on them, and discuss options to reduce any that are identified. These initial conversations with members of the community who are, or may be, directly affected by the planned research are a critical part of the planning process.

Staff are also identifying options to minimise any potential impacts of the work programme on native species including kea. Any negative impact on kea from the aerial 1080 work is expected to be small, and a sample of kea will be radio tagged and monitored through the operation in order to measure this. The kea population is expected to benefit from the combined and prolonged effect of the possum, rat and stoat removal, and ongoing protection of the site from reinvasion.

Possums are the initial focus of this work because:

  1. they are known to prey on native bird species, and their eggs, including kereru and kea, as well as invertebrates such as wētā;

  2. they are the major cause of the decline of trees such as kāmahi and rātā; and

  3. the results of similar research at smaller sites suggest it is likely that the approach described will be successful.

The Perth Valley was selected for this research because the rivers and streams and alpine tops are expected to be strong natural barriers, and the area contains valued biodiversity; forests are dominated by kāmahi and rātā, while a full range of native birds are found in the area, including threatened species such as kea and whio/blue duck. 

Additionally, ZIP’s existing working relationship with local DOC staff, and a recent track record of successful trials in similar habitat, set a strong foundation for the programme of work.

The indicative boundaries of the research area are shown on the map below:

FINAL map showing research area.jpg

The work programme will be evident in the research area through:

  1. The presence of ZIP field staff, who will be regularly flown into the site as they establish the required infrastructure and carry out the research programme.

  2. The installation of traps, as well as detection devices such as chew cards and motion-sensor cameras.

  3. The installation of satellite communication facilities at huts and establishment of some temporary routes and accommodation, for ZIP and DOC staff.

  4. The installation of predator gates on swing-bridges (which will not prevent access to the site by people).

Download a print-ready information sheet about the research programme.

This work is a collaboration between Zero Invasive Predators Ltd (ZIP), the Department of Conservation (DOC), and Predator Free 2050 Ltd.

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The ZIP/DOC trial in South Westland is now complete

The ZIP/DOC trial in South Westland is now complete

In June 2017, Zero Invasive Predators Ltd (ZIP) began a trial within 2,500 hectares at the confluence of the Jackson and Arawhata Rivers, South Westland, to test whether a modified technique for applying aerial 1080 could completely remove possums, and potentially rats (i.e. not just suppress them to low numbers). Two applications of non-toxic prefeed bait were flown in June, and the 1080 bait was aerially applied on 5 July. Pre-operational monitoring indicated that possums were at 50%, while rat numbers were low. 

Since then, a core area of 400 hectares within the treatment zone has been intensively searched for any surviving possums and rats using chew cards, tracking tunnels and cameras.

By Friday 25 August, 52 days (and over 77,000 'detection nights') after the application of 1080, we had not recorded sign of any surviving possums, or rats! We therefore concluded that our modified technique for applying aerial 1080 is very likely to have successfully completely removed possums and rats at this site. 

Consequently, we have decided that there is no need for a second application of aerial 1080 for the purposes of this trial (we had applied prefeed on the 3rd August in case a second application was needed to target any surviving possums or rats). This trial is now complete.

We have subsequently initiated a second trial at the site, simulating a ship rat incursion into a rat-free area, to determine the spread of a first generation of ship rats (i.e. the Gen One 'footprint') across a forested landscape. The results will help inform the design of tools and techniques to respond to a rat incursion in a timely manner. This project may require the targeted use of aerial 1080 as a ‘spot treatment’ to remove these individual rats.

Update on ZIP/DOC trial in South Westland - 31 July 2017

Update on ZIP/DOC trial in South Westland - 31 July 2017

Monitoring is showing encouraging early results for the Zero Invasive Predators Ltd (ZIP) and Department of Conservation (DOC) trial in a 2,500 ha forest block near Jackson/Arawhata in South Westland.

The trial is part of our work to develop a method to completely remove possums, and potentially rats, from mainland sites. If successful, this method of predator removal will reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the need for repeated wide scale aerial application of toxins to control predators; and provide a tool for progressing New Zealand towards its Predator Free 2050 goal.

Phase One

Phase One of the trial involved two aerial applications of non-toxic cereal ‘pre-feed’ bait in June, followed by a single application of 1080 cereal bait on 5 July 2017, to attempt to reduce predator numbers to ‘functional extinction’ (i.e. the population is no longer viable).

Intensive monitoring in a 400 ha core of the trial block is currently being undertaken with promising early results.  A team of five people are regularly checking 800 monitoring points in the block. This monitoring will continue for approximately 50 days to ensure an accurate assessment of survivorship (if any), and provide confidence around the effectiveness of the method. As at 31 July 2017, no evidence of rat or possum survival has been found.

If no surviving possums or rats are detected after 50 days, then the trial will be complete.

Phase Two

If monitoring does find survivors a second phase will consist of two further pre-feed applications of non-toxic bait and a second 1080 application. The aerial pre-feed applications of non-toxic bait will begin within the initial Phase One 50-day monitoring period, in order to ensure that the Phase Two 1080 operation, if required, happens as close to the 50-day window as possible to avoid any successful breeding by survivors.

The two phases use different cereal baits with different ‘flavoured’ lures to reduce the chance that target individuals learn to avoid the bait after trying it during the first phase. Both 1080 operations will use the same strength toxin.

For more information, please refer to our Fact Sheet on the trial.

Fact Sheet on ZIP trial in South Westland

Fact Sheet on ZIP trial in South Westland

ZIP and the Department of Conservation are investigating a method to completely remove possums, and potentially rats, from mainland sites.

If successful, this method of aerial predator control will reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the need for repeated wide scale application of toxins to remove predators; and provide a tool for progressing New Zealand towards its Predator Free 2050 goal.

The following Fact Sheet contains information and context about the proposed trial.

For more information, please contact the Department of Conservation:

B Pryor on 027 4064 998, or G Scott on 03 751 0807.       

Official Opening of ZIP's predator research enclosure, 9 June 2016

Official Opening of ZIP's predator research enclosure, 9 June 2016

ZIP's new invasive predator research enclosure in Lincoln was officially opened yesterday by Hon Maggie Barry, Minister of Conservation.

This facility will play a key role in enabling us to rapidly develop new technology to remove invasive predators and their impact on our native species and the New Zealand economy.

You can learn more about the new enclosure here and here, and a few photos from the day are shared below. All photos were taken by Rory Harnden.

ZIP would like to extend a huge 'thank you' to all those who made this facility possible, and to those who joined us on the day to help us celebrate its completion.

Attendees arrive at the enclosure.

Attendees arrive at the enclosure.

A taxidermied stoat fiercely guards the podium during speeches.

A taxidermied stoat fiercely guards the podium during speeches.

ZIP Board Chair Devon McLean addresses the group and thanks all those who made the enclosure possible. To his left stands ZIP Business Manager Phil Bell.

ZIP Board Chair Devon McLean addresses the group and thanks all those who made the enclosure possible. To his left stands ZIP Business Manager Phil Bell.

Minister of Conservation Hon Maggie Barry addresses the group.

Minister of Conservation Hon Maggie Barry addresses the group.

L-R: Francesca Eggleton (Fonterra and Chair of Dairy Industry Working Group), Hon Maggie Barry, Devon McLean

L-R: Francesca Eggleton (Fonterra and Chair of Dairy Industry Working Group), Hon Maggie Barry, Devon McLean

Hon Maggie Barry cuts a ribbon to officially open the new facility.

Hon Maggie Barry cuts a ribbon to officially open the new facility.

Tom Agnew (ZIP Animal Behaviour Technician) demonstrates jumping heights of invasive predators next to the 'internal cell' in the enclosure where the team is developing a low profile predator fence for potential application on farms and at dairy pro…

Tom Agnew (ZIP Animal Behaviour Technician) demonstrates jumping heights of invasive predators next to the 'internal cell' in the enclosure where the team is developing a low profile predator fence for potential application on farms and at dairy production sites.

ZIP Principal Engineer John Wilks demonstrates the prototype automated lure dispenser ZIP is developing along with InFact Design.

ZIP Principal Engineer John Wilks demonstrates the prototype automated lure dispenser ZIP is developing along with InFact Design.

ZIP Field Team Lead Duncan Kay demonstrating the 'ZIP-tip' prototype automated detection device to Dr James Ross of Lincoln University.

ZIP Field Team Lead Duncan Kay demonstrating the 'ZIP-tip' prototype automated detection device to Dr James Ross of Lincoln University.

L-R: James Holborow (DOC), Devon McLean, Hon Maggie Barry, Stuart Pearson (Eleccom Design Limited), Tim Sjoberg (ZIP Animal Behaviour Technician)

L-R: James Holborow (DOC), Devon McLean, Hon Maggie Barry, Stuart Pearson (Eleccom Design Limited), Tim Sjoberg (ZIP Animal Behaviour Technician)

Prototype TUN200 trap box (with perspex cover for display purposes), fitted with prototype automated lure dispenser and automated reporting satellite node.

Prototype TUN200 trap box (with perspex cover for display purposes), fitted with prototype automated lure dispenser and automated reporting satellite node.

Dacron bedding from female ship rat and male stoat, trialed as a 'social' lure in predator research enclosure with promising results.

Dacron bedding from female ship rat and male stoat, trialed as a 'social' lure in predator research enclosure with promising results.

The sun sets on our beautiful new enclosure.

The sun sets on our beautiful new enclosure.

A day in the life of a ZIP field ranger

A day in the life of a ZIP field ranger

What does a 'typical' day for a ZIP Field Ranger look like? Briar Cook offers us a window on her world in this update from the 'conservation frontline'.

The writer re-caffeinates in preparation for the day ahead... The boxes of eggs to her left were generously donated to ZIP by Koromiko Free Range Eggs for use in our stoat traps.

The writer re-caffeinates in preparation for the day ahead... The boxes of eggs to her left were generously donated to ZIP by Koromiko Free Range Eggs for use in our stoat traps.

With winter mornings getting darker, the Bottle Rock field team start the day with a candlelit breakfast. The aroma of industrial strength coffee wafts through the field base, as the team gear up for another day in paradise.

The focus for the week is servicing the defence lines in the Bottle Rock 'virtual barrier', an intensive matrix of devices designed to prevent possums, rats and stoats from entering the protected area on Bottle Rock peninsula.

Pete is on daily leghold duty today, and with clear, still weather the previous evening, he is expecting a few catches. We take the 'side-by-side' all-terrain vehicle and set off up the track to the ridge where our lines begin. As ZIP field rangers, we are armed with trademark fluoro vests, paint scrapers to remove carcasses from traps, various lures, and knee pads the skate pros would be proud of.

Field Ranger Michael Tunnicliff and Field Team Lead Duncan Kay traversing some fairly typical Bottle Rock terrain.

Field Ranger Michael Tunnicliff and Field Team Lead Duncan Kay traversing some fairly typical Bottle Rock terrain.

Mike drops me off and I begin my journey down D3, or the third defence line, which also happens to be on the Queen Charlotte Track from historic Ship Cove to our base in Resolution Bay. Traps are intensive here, with several devices every 10 metres, providing maximum encounter opportunities for invading predators. This is where the chunky knee pad pulls its weight – with around 140 double set kill traps on the line, kneeling on rocky ground gets old fast.

View of Motuara Island from saddle lookout on Queen Charlotte Track/ D3.

View of Motuara Island from saddle lookout on Queen Charlotte Track/ D3.

I hear the morning Cougarline water taxi cross the bay below and anticipate the flow of visitors soon to come over the hill from Ships Cove. It’s a calm, sunny day, and the views from the line are fabulous. As I work, people begin to trickle past. There are young couples, families and mature groups of old friends with walking poles and friendly grins. Many are curious about what we do, what all the traps are for. Most are enthusiastic and supportive, so I spend a bit of time explaining the devices. As they leave I give them a grave warning regarding the presence of weka – the more of these cheeky feathered vandals around, the greater the likelihood that unobserved lunch items will suddenly and mysteriously disappear. I have personally witnessed one run off with a banana belonging to an insufficiently cautious member of the ZIP team who shall here remain nameless... (Ed. note: it was John)

A hungry weka eyes up a peanut butter-baited tracking tunnel.

A hungry weka eyes up a peanut butter-baited tracking tunnel.

The local karearea (New Zealand's rare native falcon) screeches overhead, and I spy a kereru in the trees above the next trap, alerted to its presence by a soft ‘coo’. Piwakawaka (fantails) and tomtits flit ahead of me, picking off the insects I disturb as I walk down the track.

A kereru, or native New Zealand woodpigeon, near the ZIP field base at Resolution Bay.

A kereru, or native New Zealand woodpigeon, near the ZIP field base at Resolution Bay.

Being amongst the native flora and fauna is a huge bonus for me. My encounters with these little critters are a huge motivating factor in my work. The reason we do what we do is to ultimately make a better world for them to live in, and I’m privileged to be a part of creating better, smarter ways to do that. Even if it means weird smells, soggy boots, maggots, hook grass, bum sliding, bad jokes and washing all our clothes by hand…

'Bottle', the camp goat at Resolution Bay.

'Bottle', the camp goat at Resolution Bay.

Before I know it, the day has crept past, and I’m down at the coast and the last trap for the day. The water is clear and calm, the tide is up and I reckon it’d be a good evening for a fish. I wander back towards base, calling a greeting to the camp goat on the way past, scattering the sheep while trying not to trip over the chickens. The rest of the team trickles in one by one. We exchange victory stories from the 'conservation frontline' and talk about our day, then prep our gear ready to do it all again tomorrow. No complaints here.

The view from Resolution Bay wharf on a still, quiet evening.

The view from Resolution Bay wharf on a still, quiet evening.



Kia ora!

Welcome to the new and improved website of Zero Invasive Predators Ltd (ZIP).

We are very excited to introduce ourselves and begin sharing our world with you: what we are up to; what we have learned so far; and what our future work programme holds.

We’ve kept a low profile to date for a few key reasons:

  • We’ve been tasked with an ambitious and exciting technical challenge, which has been our primary focus to date;

  • We are still very much in ‘learning mode’, gathering the data (and scientific rigour) to support our observations from the field; and

  • We’ve been fortunate to secure sufficient investment for our current work programme from our founding partners, DOC and NEXT Foundation, along with Jasmine Social Investments, Morgan Foundation and a group of Dairy Companies including Fonterra, Tatua, Synlait, Westland Milk Products, Open Country and Miraka.

Starting today, we’ll be providing regular informal updates via this page. More detailed technical updates on our findings will be posted here.

Questions? Comments? We'd love to hear from you!