Predator Free South Westland
Restoring South Westland by eliminating possums, rats and stoats from 107,000 hectares of high alpine, forests, rural land and the townships of Franz Josef, Ōkārito and Whataroa by 2025.
Te Manahuna Aoraki Project
Protecting and revitalising the towering mountains, braided rivers and tussock grasslands of Te Manahuna/Mackenzie Basin and Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park by eliminating eight introduced pests.
Predator Free Rakiura
The Native Carbon Initiative
Leveraging the value of carbon generated by management of introduced animals in our native forests. Demonstrating the potential to realise immense benefits for biodiversity, climate and economy.
Securing Stewart Island Rakiura as a taonga by removing possums, rats, feral cats and hedgehogs to create a predator-free haven across the island’s unique landscapes.