If you are looking to manage predators in your back yard, community or local reserve:
Our friends at the Predator Free New Zealand Trust have some great advice on their website, including recommended traps, where to buy them, and quick guides to trapping best practice.
The Department of Conservation (DOC) has also recently released a practical guide to trapping, which includes advice for controlling mustelids (stoats, ferrets, weasels), rats and possums in any environment. It's a simple 'how-to' with advice from DOC's technical experts for trappers of all skill levels. You can download a copy here, or request a hardcopy from your local DOC visitor centre.
If you are interested in joining a community group near you:
The Predator Free New Zealand Trust also provides information about community groups around the country who are contributing to predator control in New Zealand.
If you are looking for support to help you or your community establish a predator control program:
You may like to contact your local DOC Predator Free Ranger, or your local Regional Council, who can provide advice on tools, best practice and safety information.