Technical Development Manager

Shelby joined the ZIP team in 2022, making the jump from paleontology to conservation. In short, she shifted from studying extinct animals to protecting the taonga that are still alive today. At ZIP, Shelby looks after the Science and Technical tīma, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to turn ZIP’s ambitious dreams into reality. Her approach to people is warm and inclusive, facilitating relationship building and communicating technical information across the ZIP whānau and beyond.

Shelby moved from Florida to Te Whanganui-a-Tara in 2016 to complete her MSc in geology at Te Herenga Waka. During her time in Aotearoa, she fell in love with manu - whether they are taking refuge on an offshore island or in her own backyard. In her spare time, she co-leads a community conservation group called Ngā Kaimanaaki o Te Waimapihi. She also enjoys hanging out with her flatmates’ indoor cat Fred, learning mātauranga Māori, reading, singing karaoke, Japanese cooking, tramping, and binge watching reality TV.